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How to Put a Baby to Sleep in 40 Seconds with Chinese Acupressure


Mastering the art of putting your baby to sleep might seem like a distant dream, but with the right tips and tricks, it’s closer than you think. Chinese acupressure, an ancient practice, might just be your new favorite parenting hack, promising to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds. This technique taps into the baby’s natural sleep cycles, helping babies fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep.

Before you start, remember that every baby is unique, and while this method is effective, it requires patience and consistency. From ensuring your baby is ready for sleep with a calm routine, including a warm bath and calming lotions, to setting the perfect sleep environment with dimmed lights and a comfortable crib or bassinet, the preparation is key. Let’s dive into how you can signal to your baby that it’s time to relax and fall asleep.


how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds

This parenting hack focus on Chinese acupressure method which is a treasure trove of benefits for both adults and babies, especially when it comes to encouraging better sleep patterns. This technique, which involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on the body, can help your child to sleep more easily by soothing the nervous system and reducing the difficulty falling asleep. It’s a natural, non-invasive way to support your baby’s bedtime routine, complementing other strategies like maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a soothing sleep environment.

The beauty of acupressure lies in its simplicity and the fact that it can be done anywhere, anytime, without the need for special tools or equipment. By integrating acupressure into your baby’s nighttime routine, you’re not just helping them to drift off to sleep more easily; you’re also laying the foundation for healthy sleep habits that can last a lifetime. Let’s explore how this ancient practice can transform bedtime from a challenge into a peaceful, bonding experience.

Understanding Acupressure Points

Acupressure works by stimulating certain points on the body that are believed to be connected to various aspects of our health and well-being. For babies, focusing on points related to relaxation and sleep can have a calming effect, making it easier for them to fall asleep. There are several key acupressure points that are particularly effective for promoting sleep in babies, including the Yin Tang point, Anmian point, Shen Men point, and Spleen 6 point. Each of these points serves a specific purpose in helping to promote sleep.

The Yin Tang point, also known as the Hall of Impression, is located between the eyebrows and is known for its ability to calm the mind. The Anmian point, or Peaceful Sleep point, is found behind the ear and is used to promote deep, restful sleep. The Shen Men point, or Spirit Gate, is located on the wrist and helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. Finally, the Spleen 6 point, known as the Three Yin Intersection, is found on the leg and can help to balance the body’s energy, promoting overall relaxation.

By gently applying pressure to these points in a specific sequence, you can help your baby to unwind and prepare for sleep. It’s a gentle, natural way to support your baby’s sleep without relying on external aids. As we move forward, we’ll discuss how to prepare for and apply these acupressure techniques to ensure a smooth and effective bedtime routine as well as keeping them staying asleep longer.


relax environment

Before beginning acupressure, it’s important to create a calm and quiet environment that signals to your baby that it’s time to wind down. This means dimming the lights, reducing noise, singing a lullaby, play a recording of running water or rain and ensuring the room is a comfortable temperature. A soothing sleep environment not only enhances the effectiveness of acupressure but also reinforces your baby’s sleep cues and routine, making it easier for them to recognize when it’s time to sleep.

Make sure your baby is comfortable and not hungry or experiencing any discomfort before starting. A well-fed baby, dressed in comfortable sleepwear, and a clean diaper sets the stage for a successful acupressure session. Remember, the goal is to create a peaceful atmosphere where your baby feels secure and loved, ready to embrace sleep with the help of your gentle touch.

Acupressure Techniques

When applying acupressure to help your baby drift off to sleep, it’s crucial to use a gentle and soothing touch. Begin by cradling your baby in your arms or laying them down in a comfortable position. Using your fingertips, gently apply pressure to the identified acupressure points in a circular motion. The pressure should be light but firm enough to be effective, without causing any discomfort to your baby.

The sequence in which you stimulate the acupressure points can also play a role in how quickly your baby begins to feel sleepy. Start with the Yin Tang point to calm the mind, then move to the Anmian point to promote deeper sleep, followed by the Shen Men point to alleviate any lingering stress or anxiety. Finish with the Spleen 6 point to balance your baby’s energy and encourage a state of overall relaxation. This methodical approach helps to gently guide your baby towards sleep.

1. Yin Tang Point (Hall of Impression)

Yin Tang Point

The Yin Tang point is a powerful spot for calming the mind and preparing your baby for sleep. Found between the eyebrows, this point is often referred to as the “third eye.” Gently applying pressure here can help soothe your baby, reducing fussiness and helping them to relax. It’s a particularly useful point to start with, as it sets a peaceful tone for the rest of the acupressure session.

To apply pressure, use your thumb or forefinger to gently press on the Yin Tang point. Maintain a soft pressure for a few seconds before releasing. You can repeat this several times, always ensuring your touch is comforting and calming. This initial step can significantly contribute to helping your baby feel more relaxed and ready for sleep.

2. Anmian Point (Peaceful Sleep)

An Mian Point

The Anmian point, located just behind the ear, is another crucial spot for encouraging a soothing sleep environment. Stimulating this point can help deepen your baby’s sleep, making it easier for them to stay asleep longer. This point is especially beneficial for babies who have difficulty falling into a deep sleep or who wake frequently during the night.

With a gentle touch, use your fingertips to apply circular pressure near the Anmian point. The motion should be soothing, contributing to the overall calming atmosphere you’ve created. This technique not only aids in putting your baby to sleep but also enhances the quality of their sleep, promoting a more restful and uninterrupted night.

3. Shen Men Point (Spirit Gate)

Shen Men Point

The Shen Men point, found on the upper part of the inner ear, plays a key role in reducing stress and anxiety. By applying gentle pressure to this point, you can help soothe your baby’s nerves, making it easier for them to relax and fall asleep. This point is particularly useful for calming babies who seem overly tired or agitated.

To stimulate the Shen Men point, gently press on the area with your fingertip, applying a steady, soothing pressure. The calming effect of stimulating this point can be profound, helping to ease your baby into a peaceful state, ready for sleep. Remember, the goal is to use these techniques as part of a loving and nurturing bedtime routine that signals to your baby it’s time for rest.

4. Spleen 6 Point (Three Yin Intersection)

SP6 Spleen 6 Point

The Spleen 6 point, located above the ankle on the inner side of the leg (you can use 4 fingers to roughly gauge the point and is renowned for its ability to balance energy and promote relaxation. Stimulating this point can help harmonise your baby’s body, encouraging them to feel more settled and ready for sleep. This point is particularly effective in combination with the others, creating a comprehensive approach to bedtime acupressure.

Using a gentle touch, apply circular pressure to the Spleen 6 point with your finger. The pressure should be comforting, helping to reinforce the sense of calm and relaxation you’ve cultivated. This final step in the acupressure sequence supports your baby’s transition from wakefulness to sleep, aiding in a smoother and quicker bedtime process.


To begin applying acupressure for your baby’s sleep, ensure you’re both in a comfortable and quiet space. Start with the Yin Tang point, using gentle circular motions to calm the mind. Next, move to the Anmian point behind the ear to deepen sleep, followed by the Shen Men point on the wrist to alleviate any stress. Lastly, address the Spleen 6 point on the leg to balance energy. Each point should be stimulated for a few seconds with a soft, loving touch.

massage spleen 6 on a baby

It’s important to observe your baby’s reactions as you apply pressure to these points. If they seem to enjoy the touch on a particular point, you may spend a little more time there. However, if they seem uncomfortable, reduce the pressure or move to the next point. The entire process should be soothing and enjoyable for both of you, strengthening your bond.

After completing the acupressure sequence, maintain the calm environment to encourage your baby to drift off to sleep. Keep the room dimly lit and free from noise. You might find cuddling or gently rocking your baby helps to reinforce the relaxation achieved through acupressure, guiding them gently into sleep.

Consistency is key when incorporating acupressure into your baby’s sleep routine. While some babies may respond immediately, others might need several sessions to fully experience the benefits. Be patient and persistent, and remember that this technique is not only about helping your baby sleep but also about nurturing a deep, emotional connection between you.

As your baby grows and their sleep patterns evolve, you may find the need to adjust the frequency and duration of the acupressure sessions. Always pay close attention to your baby’s cues and needs, adapting the routine as necessary. With time and practice, acupressure can become a cherished part of your nightly routine, offering a natural and effective way to support your baby’s sleep.

Finally, remember that while acupressure is a powerful tool, it’s most effective when combined with other healthy sleep practices. A consistent bedtime, a soothing pre-sleep routine, and a comfortable sleep environment all contribute to better sleep for your baby. By integrating acupressure with these practices, you’re giving your baby the best possible foundation for a lifetime of good sleep habits.

With patience and dedication, you’ll find that acupressure not only helps your baby to sleep better but also enhances your bond and provides a peaceful end to each day. Embrace this ancient practice as a gift to both you and your baby, paving the way for many restful nights ahead.


Mastering the art of putting your baby to sleep using acupressure points is a journey that requires patience and practice. Observing how your bundle of joy responds to each technique is key to creating a soothing bedtime routine that promotes sleep. It’s important to remember that every baby is unique, and what calms one baby may not work for another. Hence, gently swaying in a rocking chair or lightly stroking your baby’s forehead with a tissue paper may comfort and relax your baby, making the environment around the baby conducive to sleep. Establishing a regular routine for your baby can significantly ease sleep onset and ensure the sleep space is familiar and comforting.

If you find your baby having trouble sleeping repeatedly, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable to rule out any underlying issues. While the acupressure points can be a helpful tool in your arsenal for calming a baby, it’s crucial to keep the bigger picture in mind—a consistent, soothing bedtime routine, a calm environment, and the gentle, reassuring presence of a parent can all work together to help your child drift off to sleep. Remember, the goal is not just to get your baby asleep in 40 seconds but to foster habits that promote healthy sleep patterns for your newborn baby and beyond.

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