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Unlocking the Power of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT: A Guide to Writing Long Form Content for Free


The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up exciting new possibilities for long form content creation. Tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity AI allow anyone to generate high-quality, extensive content quickly and for free. This represents a major shift in how we can leverage technology to enhance productivity.

In particular, ChatGPT has captivated public attention since its release in November 2022. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational AI that can understand natural language prompts and provide detailed written responses on a wide range of topics. However, as remarkable as ChatGPT is, it does have some limitations. The AI model was trained on data only up until 2021, so it lacks up-to-date knowledge. This is where Perplexity AI comes in.

Perplexity AI is an AI-powered search engine that allows users to get comprehensive answers to complex questions by aggregating information from multiple online sources. It serves as a powerful complement to ChatGPT, providing more current information and context.

By combining ChatGPT’s conversational prowess with Perplexity AI’s ability to search the web, it’s possible to efficiently produce high-quality, extensive content on virtually any topic. The key is learning how to effectively prompt the AIs to work together.

In this guide, we’ll walk through tips and strategies for unlocking the power of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT to write long form content quickly and for free. You’ll learn prompt engineering techniques to get the most out of the AIs as well as best practices for iterative content generation. Whether you need blog posts, articles, reports, or other materials, this guide will show you how to leverage these transformative AI tools to maximize productivity. Let’s get started!

Getting Started with Perplexity AI and ChatGPT

As a writer, I’ve had the privilege of exploring the capabilities of two remarkable AI writing assistants: Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. These tools, powered by advanced AI models, offer distinct advantages for long form content creation. While they share the common trait of producing human-like text, they each possess unique strengths and applications.

Perplexity AI, for instance, functions as an AI-driven search engine. It’s particularly adept at providing direct responses by combing through a plethora of online sources. The key benefits of Perplexity AI include:

  • Delivering comprehensive and real-time answers through live web searches.
  • Allowing users to refine and expand their inquiries through iterative questioning.
  • Providing contextual information by citing the sources it pulls from.
  • Offering free access without the need for user accounts. However, it’s worth noting that Perplexity AI can occasionally generate irrelevant results and may not be as conversational or natural as ChatGPT.
Banner of ChatGPT

In contrast, ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, serves as a conversational chatbot. It crafts detailed textual responses based solely on the knowledge contained within its training data. The advantages of ChatGPT include:

  • A highly natural and human-like conversational interface.
  • A vast knowledge base built upon extensive datasets.
  • The ability to explain complex concepts, summarize content, and respond to a wide array of questions.
  • Currently offering free access, with the caveat that its knowledge is limited to information available up to 2021, and it may occasionally provide incorrect or nonsensical responses.

To get started with Perplexity AI and ChatGPT, you can register for a free account by visiting the following links:

If you’re interested in trying out Perplexity AI PRO and enjoying a one-time 50% discount, you can use this link to access the offer: Perplexity AI PRO – 50% Discount.

These two AI writing assistants, when used strategically, offer a powerful combination to elevate your content creation endeavors. With practice, you’ll master the art of prompt crafting and enjoy the benefits of this AI-driven support for your writing projects.

Mastering Effective Prompting Techniques

Crafting high-quality prompts holds the key to harnessing the full potential of AI writing tools. Let’s dive into some best practices:

  1. Clear Instructions: To start things off, be crystal clear with your instructions. Use simple and direct language to outline exactly what you need. For instance, “Please write a 300-word blog post about topic X.” Commence your prompts with action words like “explain,” “summarize,” or “compare and contrast.”
  2. Context and Background: It’s essential to provide relevant context and background information to set the stage. Inform the AI about the purpose, whether it’s for a blog, social media, or an academic paper. Share examples of high-quality content that you want it to emulate.
  3. Set Constraints and Requirements: Define any limitations, such as the desired word count, preferred formatting styles (like APA or MLA), the desired tone (conversational or formal), and whether to include specific sources. This precision helps guide the response and ensures quality output.
  4. Conversational Tone: Use a conversational style. Think of your interaction with the AI as a friendly conversation. Employ natural language, and feel free to use first and second-person pronouns.
  5. Refine Prompts Iteratively: Think of this process as a back-and-forth dialogue. Continuously refine your prompts based on the initial outputs. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions to steer the AI towards your desired outcome.
  6. Check for Accuracy and Relevance: Always critically review the content before using it. Verify essential facts and eliminate any hallucinated or irrelevant information. Keep honing your prompts to enhance accuracy.
  7. Cite Your Role and Purpose: Let the AI know who you are and why you need the content. If you’re a marketing director, researcher, or any other role, make it clear. Explain whether the content is for a client report, an academic journal, or any other specific purpose.

By putting these seven techniques into practice, this is how I prompted the chatbot.

“Hello, I’m reaching out to you as a professional writer, seeking your assistance in enhancing a piece of text. Specifically, I’m currently in the process of crafting a blog post titled ‘Unlocking the Power of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT: A Guide to Writing Long Form Content for Free.’ I’d like you to help me in two key aspects: Firstly, to ensure the rewritten content maintains a natural and seamless flow, fixing any grammar errors that may arise, and making it as simple and easy to read as possible. Secondly, please refrain from introducing any new information or hallucinations into the text. To guide you, let’s aim for a 500-word piece, maintain an informative yet approachable tone, and consider this text to be for a blog audience.

By practicing these prompt engineering techniques, you’ll see a significant improvement in the quality of AI-generated content. Remember, accuracy matters, and maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the AI is key to success.

Generating Long Form Content with AI

Creating long-form content using Perplexity AI and ChatGPT involves a systematic approach that ensures a smooth and efficient process. Here’s how I go about it:

Keyword Research: To kick things off, I begin with thorough keyword research. I rely on this Free Keyword Research Tool, which leverages AI to provide valuable SEO keyword ideas. Once I’ve identified the right keyword, I turn to Ahrefs’ Blog Title Generator to craft an attention-grabbing title. Moreover, I make sure that both the SEO Meta Title and SEO Meta Description are optimized for search engine performance.

Prompt To Writing Long Form Content For Free

Content Structure: With the initial groundwork set, I dive into the core of content generation. For structuring my blog post, I utilize Perplexity AI to create a well-organized outline. My typical prompt for Perplexity looks like this:

“Please generate a blog post outline for my blog post titled [Your Blog Post Title].”

Perplexity is my go-to for outlining because it’s capable of scanning the internet for current and relevant information, ensuring that my content stays up-to-date and engaging.

Content Generation: Once the outline is prepared, I employ Perplexity AI to create content for each section, one at a time. For instance, I might ask:

“Could you write the introduction for me, please?”

Perplexity consistently proves its worth by scouring the web for recent insights and knowledge, providing me with an initial draft of the introduction. This serves as a robust foundation for the article.

Enhancing the Text with ChatGPT: At this point, I switch my focus to ChatGPT. I initiate the interaction with a prompt like this:

“Hello, I’m a professional writer looking for your expertise to improve a piece of text. Currently, I’m in the process of crafting a blog post titled ‘Unlocking the Power of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT: A Guide to Writing Long-Form Content for Free.’ I need your help in two key areas. Firstly, ensure the rewritten content flows naturally, correct any grammar errors, and make it easy to read. Secondly, please avoid introducing new information or inaccuracies. Let’s aim for a 500-word piece with an informative yet approachable tone, designed for a blog audience. I’ll provide further details in my next message.”

Prompt To Writing Long Form Content Conclusion For Free

This prompt helps ChatGPT understand the context and desired outcomes, setting the stage for an effective collaboration.

Refining and Perfecting: After I receive the response from Perplexity AI, I paste it as the next message, and ChatGPT takes over to refine and perfect the content. I continue this process until the entire blog post is fully crafted.

This post is fully drafted and written by Perplexity AI and ChatGPT with 1854 words which qualify as a long form content.

This methodology streamlines the content creation process by harnessing the strengths of both Perplexity AI and ChatGPT to produce engaging, informative, and reader-friendly long-form content.


As we draw our journey through the dynamic world of AI content creation to a close, we’ve explored the incredible potential of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. These innovative tools have redefined the landscape of long-form content generation, offering writers, marketers, and researchers a free, efficient, and powerful way to craft extensive articles, blog posts, reports, and more.

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI technologies, we’ve witnessed the emergence of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT as a formidable duo. Perplexity AI’s strength in aggregating real-time information from the web, combined with ChatGPT’s conversational prowess, allows for the creation of content that’s not only informative but also engaging and relatable. It’s a fusion of knowledge and conversational skill that provides a transformative edge to content creators.

By mastering effective prompting techniques, as discussed in this guide, you can unlock the full potential of these AI tools. Whether you’re crafting a blog post, a research paper, or any other written material, you can now confidently navigate the realm of AI content creation, all while maintaining the quality and relevance of your work.

With the strategic use of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT, you’re well-equipped to not only meet the demands of content creation but also elevate your productivity. This collaboration between human ingenuity and AI innovation represents the exciting future of content creation. The possibilities are vast, and the horizon is bright.

So, as you embark on your AI-powered content creation journey, remember the power of collaboration between Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. Together, they open doors to creativity, efficiency, and accessibility that were once unimaginable. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, these AI tools are here to support you.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the AI frontier. As you venture forth with your newfound knowledge, may your content creation endeavors be as extraordinary as the technology that powers them. Happy writing, and may your words continue to inspire and inform the world.

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