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A Comprehensive Review of the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3


The Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3, a wireless video doorbell that effortlessly connects to your smartphone, providing you with a live feed of your front door, is a game-changer in home security. With its sharp 2K video quality and a generous 180° field of view, this doorbell ensures that no detail goes unnoticed. Moreover, it boasts advanced AI technology that effectively filters out false alarms, and it includes convenient features like two-way communication, a weatherproof design, and an effortless peel-and-stick installation, all while being budget-friendly.

Main Features of Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3

Sharper 2K Video Quality

Xiaomi Doorbell 3 captures the moment in sharp 2K video quality, day or night.

The Xiaomi Smart Doorbell boasts impressive video quality as one of its main features. It records in a sharp 2K resolution, delivering crystal-clear footage in various lighting conditions. At 2560 x 1920 pixels, this resolution is a significant upgrade from the standard 1080p HD video. Think of it as giving your camera a new pair of eyeglasses – it enhances your ability to discern details, making it easier to identify faces and crucial elements. This level of clarity is invaluable when reviewing footage to determine who has visited your doorstep.

Wide 180° Field of View

Side-by-side comparison of a woman in a room, showcasing Xiaomi Doorbell 3 and Doorbell 2 wide view.

Setting itself apart, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 offers a remarkable 180° diagonal field of vision. This wide perspective covers your front porch, yard, and doorway, providing a complete view when visitors arrive. From the tops of their heads to the tips of their toes, you won’t miss a thing, eliminating the need for piece-meal glimpses. Furthermore, this wide-angle capability eradicates sneaky blind spots, ensuring visitors don’t accidentally vanish from view.

Advanced Motion Detection and Alerts

Beyond exceptional video quality, this doorbell camera integrates cutting-edge AI technology. It excels at distinguishing human activity from other motions like swaying trees or rustling bushes, effectively eliminating frustrating false alarms caused by passing cars, breezes, or curious critters. Thanks to this high-tech innovation, you’ll only receive notifications when genuine human presence is detected. This ensures you’re not constantly interrupted, and when you do receive an alert, you can trust that it’s something deserving of your attention.

Two-Way Audio

The doorbell also offers a handy two-way chat feature on its smartphone app. This feature allows you to not only listen to conversations at your doorstep but also respond directly from the doorbell. This simplifies your life and enhances your home’s security. You can engage in a conversation with visitors without having to open your door.

Weatherproof Design

The Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 is built to withstand the elements with its robust IP65 weatherproof rating. It’s ready to face Singapore’s ever-changing weather, be it sudden downpours, scorching sun, or even unusual snowfall. This doorbell is like a reliable friend that won’t let you down, even when the weather turns unruly. Rest easy knowing that your Xiaomi doorbell has you covered, ensuring your connection and security in all weather conditions.

Effortless Installation

Setting up this doorbell is a breeze, thanks to the provided mounting equipment and straightforward, step-by-step guides. It simplifies installation and Wi-Fi setup, making it as easy as a leisurely stroll in the park. The best part? This doorbell is completely wireless, eliminating the hassle of dealing with complex wiring.

Customizable Detection and Alerts

This doorbell camera offers some nifty features. You can establish your own motion detection zones, essentially providing the camera with a map of where to focus its attention. But what’s even better is its smart alert system. No one wants their phone inundated with notifications, especially from false alarms. This doorbell is intelligent enough to only alert you when it detects a person, putting an end to the irritation of jumping up at the slightest breeze or a curious cat wandering by.

And here’s the real game-changer – real-time alerts. Imagine you’re out and about, and someone approaches your front door. This doorbell won’t keep you waiting. It sends an instant notification to your phone when it detects any activity, keeping you informed no matter where you are.

Additional Features

Battery Powered for Ultimate Convenience

Never miss a visitor again with Xiaomi's Smart Doorbell 3 and its high-capacity 5200mAh battery pack.

A standout feature is its battery-powered design. Say goodbye to complicated wiring installations. With a built-in rechargeable battery, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 can be easily placed anywhere you desire. It offers up to 4.8 months of usage on a single charge, drastically reducing the hassle of frequent charging.

Auto Mute for Undisturbed Moments

For those moments when you need a little peace and quiet, the Auto Mute feature comes to your rescue. Set specific quiet hours during the day to automatically mute the doorbell chime, allowing you to enjoy an undisturbed evening, especially when you don’t want any disturbances at night.

Uninterrupted Security with Offline Functionality

What sets the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 apart is its offline functionality. Even when your WiFi is down, this smart device remains vigilant. Equipped with a built-in battery and smart sensors, it can still detect motion and ring the chime, ensuring your security isn’t compromised when the internet connection is lost.

Remote Viewing for Added Convenience

Remote Viewing is another standout feature. You can conveniently check the live video feed from the doorbell camera using the smartphone app. Whether you’re at work or on vacation, you can keep a watchful eye on your front door from anywhere, providing an added layer of convenience and security.

Cloud Storage for Effortless Access

To help you review recent activity, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 offers Cloud Storage. It automatically stores three days of video clips in the cloud, allowing you to access and review them without the need for local storage. This proves invaluable when looking back through motion events and visitor recordings.

Local Storage Option

Local Storage is also an option, with support for microSD cards (not included). This expands your storage capabilities, providing 24/7 continuous recording if desired, ensuring you never miss a moment.

Theft Protection for Added Security

Security-conscious homeowners will appreciate the Theft Protection feature. In the unfortunate event that someone attempts to forcibly remove the doorbell, an alarm will sound, effectively deterring theft and tampering.

Ensuring Privacy with Encrypted Data

Last but not least, your privacy and data security are a top priority. The Xiaomi Smart Doorbell encrypts video clips, guaranteeing your footage remains private and secure, giving you peace of mind that your data is well-protected.

With these remarkable features, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell is a must-have addition to your home, offering unmatched security and convenience in a sleek and innovative package.

Bring Next-Level Security Home Today

Upgrade your home security with the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 - a stylish and smart addition to your front door.

After reading about the impressive features and capabilities of the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3, you’re likely eager to get your hands on this innovative home security upgrade.

With its sharp 2K video, wide 180° field of view, smart motion detection, weatherproof design and convenient battery power, this doorbell camera is ready to take your home’s protection to the next level.

What’s more, it makes for the perfect housewarming gift idea for friends who are moving into a new home. With its easy installation and intuitive app, this doorbell lets them set up security in no time, providing round-the-clock monitoring and peace of mind in their new home.

So why wait? Order the feature-packed Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 from Shopee Now.

With prices at just S$95.90, this doorbell camera brings advanced technology and round-the-clock monitoring to your doorstep at a wallet-friendly price.

One important thing to note – this is the global version, which means it has English firmware. If you purchase the Chinese firmware unit, you may encounter difficulties setting it up and run into geolocation errors.

To avoid any hassle, be sure to get the global English firmware model. This ensures smooth and straightforward installation, allowing you to enjoy the full capabilities of the feature-packed Xiaomi doorbell.

Give your home or your friend’s new home the gift of enhanced security and connectivity today. Click below to order the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell and keep watch over what matters most.

Buy Now on Shopee


In summary, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 is an impressive home security upgrade that offers numerous useful features. With its sharp 2K video quality, wide 180-degree field of view, advanced motion detection, weatherproof design and convenient battery-powered operation, this doorbell camera provides homeowners with enhanced security, connectivity and peace of mind.

The ability to customise motion detection zones, receive real-time smart alerts, remotely view live feeds, and access cloud storage makes this doorbell a versatile and modern solution. Its offline functionality, encrypted data and theft protection further add to its reliability and safety.

For homeowners seeking an easy-to-install smart doorbell that delivers sharp footage, intelligent notifications and convenient mobile access, the Xiaomi Smart Doorbell 3 ticks all the boxes. Its array of innovative features and thoughtful design show why it is a great choice for any home. With clear video, smart detection and robust construction, this doorbell camera can provide round-the-clock monitoring and give homeowners confidence that their entryway is secured.

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